Tuesday, 4 January 2011

Characterisation- How the character "Bullet tooth Tony" is conveyed in the film Snatch

Bullet tooth tony’s personality is conveyed through misenscene, dialogue, inserts and action codes. Before we even catch a glimpse of Tony we can create a rough picture in our heads of what he will look and act like, through the dialogue of the perceptible gangsters all dressed in smart black suits and leather jackets, sitting in a darkened seedy bar. The misenscene creates a gloomy east end gangster affect because of the clothes the characters are wearing and the pub its set in, it’s a typical east end pub due to the worn out wood furniture, classic menu on the wall, big fire place, old fashioned clocks, and historic pictures on the wall, these elements all combine to create a typical English pub and through their accents we can make the assumption they’re tough east end gangsters. The dialogue used to describe Tony tells us a lot about him. “He’d find you Moses in a burning bush if you paid him to.” This metaphor tells us he is motivated by money and is extremely resilient, also we learn he “got shot six times and had the bullets moulded into gold.” We can infer that he is tough and almost invincible; also you could argue he is slightly crazy as he got the bullets moulded into gold, this suggests he is proud and wants to boost about surviving this ordeal. Furthermore we discover he is a “liability” and from what we have already gathered about him we can guess that maybe he is a bit of a maverick, and doesn’t take to well to following instructions. I get the impression that he is a last resort option because the character looking for someone sounds desperate and will accept anyone’s help. The clip cuts to an insert of Tony walking into a club, we can tell it’s a clip from a previous time due to Tony’s classic old fashioned Barnet and also because Madonna’s music is playing in the back ground, which creates an 80’s feel. As Tony walks into a room he is greeted with a man shouting “Tony” which tells us he has status and a reputation as he is recognised, suddenly the man repeatedly shoots Tony whilst screaming, and therefore we learn that Tony must be a mischievous character who upsets other people and that he is threatening as he replies “you silly fuck.” Tony’s invincible resilient side comes out as he doesn’t seem to be affected by the 6 bullets he has just had shot into his body and we see a shot of him putting a sword to the man’s neck with a sinister facial expression and blood dripping down his chin, the fact that he looks like a vampire due to the blood drooling down his chin shows us an evil sinister side to him. You don’t mess with Tony. Next it jumps to a clip of Tony in modern times; I can infer this because the misenscene is very different, Tony is wearing smart black clothes and has slicked back hair to give him that hard man image, also the music playing is very different. The upbeat modern music does not match with the violent footage we see, I think this is done to show that violence is an everyday thing in Tony’s life and isn’t a big deal. Tony’s smart clothes and flash executive car tell us that he’s successful and professional; he has most probably grown in status and become an iconic figure since the insert. Also we can guess that maybe violence is a part of his job and he is a hitman because the gangsters need his help and also because while bashing someone’s head in with his car door he answers his phone which suggests he is use to being in these situations and the phone call could be from a customer requiring his services. Amid Tony’s violent almost cold blooded personality, we see a humorous side which makes him likeable. He appears to be a very serious guy but when he answers his phone he says “bonjour,” with a cheeky facial expression, this shows a light hearted side to Tony and suggests he’s a bit of a lad with a sense of humour.

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